They walk, they talk and they kill!
As my friend Skinslip from once said: “Scream Factory is the Criterion Collection of everything weird, gory, and all-around cult.” Which I agree with 100%. Though I may not enjoy every title released under the label nor get excited about every announcement, I can’t deny the amazing work put into these lowbrow titles. And I don’t think you can get any more lowbrow than Stuart Gordon’s Dolls.
Many will recognize Stuart Gordon for his films Re-Animator and From Beyond (Another Scream Factory release) and if you are a fan of his previous works, you’re in for a treat with this one. Many at first glance will probably shrug this film off as a rip-off of other “killer doll” movies like Child’s Play or Puppet Master but you’d be incorrect. Dolls actually predates both films, and if you ask me, is a far more entertaining movie.
Since Dolls, like almost all of Stuart Gordon’s work, is a cult classic and is being released on Blu-ray from Scream Factory, It’s no surprise that this title has a lot of bonus content included.
- Audio Commentary with Stuart Gordon and Ed Naha
- Audio Commentary with Stephen Lee, Ian Patrick Williams, Carolyn Purdy Gordon and Carrie Lorraine
- Storyboard-to-Film Comparison
- Original Theatrical Trailer
- Photo Gallery
- Featurette – Toys of Terror: The Making of “Dolls”
Like every Scream Factory title, it has a reversible cover, which I am displaying next to the slipcover for reference.

Overall, Dolls is a fun, entertaining little B-Horror film, from one of the most notorious cult horror directors. Fans of Stuart Gordon will love it, fans of horror will love it. Highly recommended!
Picture Quality: 3.5/5
Audio Quality: 3/5
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